[Journal - Limbo Time]

Limbo Time

Sunday, June 30, 2001

A couple of projects have been updated recently: the XML project (a VB6 DLL, just for downloading) is now usable, although I'm far away from standards complicance. Or even efficient string parsing, for that matter. Then, I've put an effort into VBInet (also an ActiveX DLL without an accompanying article at this site). It's already much more stable than its bastard predecessor equivalents in VB6Core, and new features keep coming up. Speaking of VB6Core, I fixed a few bugs in CHistory and CRtfBox (the latter got an interesting new method as well).

Anyway, it's a limbo sort of time. As I'm still waiting for shipment of my copy of VS.NET Beta 2, I'm now working on an improved version of WebEdit in the meantime, using classic VB (the joy of the toy always kills the cat). With a new design, it should port well to .NET (maybe using C#), but it'll be a while.