[Shell Desktop]

Active Desktop displaying the Windows Shell Namespace

This is an HTML page that displays all the items in the Windows Shell Namespace, in the same way the Windows Explorer does. Every folder (file system or otherwise), file, shell link (shortcut), or other item is listed as a hyperlink. If you click on a hyperlink, this will open the folder or execute the file. You can expand or collapse items by clicking on the icons.

There are some other gadgets, such as a link that starts the DirectCC.exe, and one that runs a net drives connection utility (provided with the download).

Internally, the page depends on an ActiveX DLL written in C++ using ATL (WinShell.dll), and on my VB6Core component. VB-Script glues it all together. The page uses a stylesheet, so let's not talk about my bad taste as to colors.

You can download the page and the dependencies.