Linked Lists


Monday, May 14, 2001

I have already talked about collections, and how the new ones are all subtly different from VBA.Collection. This time, I do a collection from scratch. It will allow subclasses to by typesafe. It will have keys. It will let you manipulate entries every which way. If a linked list implementation is OK with you, and you're obsessed with feature-richness, you might make this one your favourite base class.

You can see the full code in the abandoned Gregor.Lists project. The following code examples don't cut it, really.

Let me just recap here what features I'm going after:

None of the framework classes has all of them.

The links

Let's start with the links. A linked list stores information in links. Every link has a reference to the next link. If it references the previous link, too, we speak of a doubly-linked list. My links have a "Value" member that takes objects. You could speed things up a little if you create a custom link class for every collection task (you can do so by inheriting from CLink), but here let's be content with the wrapper classes' ensuring type safety.

Public Class CLink

	Private m_PrevLink As CLink
	Private m_Value As Object
	Private m_NextLink As CLink

	Public Overloads Sub New(ByVal value As Object)
		m_Value = value 
	End Sub
	Public Overloads Sub New(ByVal value As Object, ByVal nextLink As CLink)
		m_Value = Value
		m_NextLink = nextLink
		m_NextLink.m_PrevLink = Me
	End Sub
	Public Overloads Sub New(ByVal prevLink As CLink, ByVal value As Object)
		m_PrevLink = prevLink
		m_PrevLink.m_NextLink = Me
		m_Value = value
	End Sub
	Public Overloads Sub New(ByVal prevLink As CLink, ByVal value As Object, ByVal nextLink As CLink)
		m_PrevLink = prevLink
		m_PrevLink.m_NextLink = Me
		m_Value = value
		m_NextLink = nextLink
		m_NextLink.m_PrevLink = Me
	End Sub

	Public Property PrevLink As CLink
			Return m_PrevLink
		End Get
			m_PrevLink = value
		End Set	
	End Property
	Public Property Value As Object
			Return m_Value 
		End Get	
			m_Value = value
		End Set	
	End Property
	Public Property NextLink As CLink
			Return m_NextLink
		End Get
			m_NextLink = value
		End Set	
	End Property

End Class

The references to the previous and next links are public; this allows wrapper classes to deal with lists efficiently. Wrappers need not expose the links themselves, of course. Another concern is, if you use linked lists in "raw" mode, you need to get at the references.

If you look at the constructors, you'll see that these links are already fairly usable. When creating a new link, it can easily be fitted into an existing list:

Dim monday As New CLink("Monday")
Dim wednesday As New CLink(monday, "Wednesday")
Dim tuesday As New CLink(monday, "Tuesday", wednesday)


The CLink class also has keys (which require four more constructor that aren't documented here), which are stored in a String field and exposed via a property. Keys are guarenteed to be unique by this method (which the key-aware constructors and the "Set" of the Key property call):

Public Function ExistsKey(ByVal sKey As String) As Boolean
	If Me.Key = sKey Then Return True
	Dim prev As CLink = Me.PrevLink, naext As CLink = Me.NextLink
	Do Until prev Is Nothing
		If StrComp(prev.Key, sKey, CompareMethod.Binary) = 0 Then Return True
		prev = prev.PrevLink
	Do Until naext Is Nothing
		If StrComp(naext.Key, sKey, CompareMethod.Binary) = 0 Then Return True
		naext = naext.NextLink
End Function


You can also find out the position of a given link in the list (zero-based; you'll see why this property's name is so expressive about it, later):

Public ReadOnly Property IndexZB As Integer
		Dim prev As CLink = Me.PrevLink, i As Integer
		Do Until prev Is Nothing
			i += 1
			prev = prev.PrevLink
		Return i
	End Get	
End Property

The abstract wrapper class NList

This class encapsulates all the linked list logic, so it feels and smells like a real collection class, which is what we want, after all.

However, the class does not expose methods to add entries or to retrieve them; those are protected, so derived classes need to call them in their own "Add" or "Item" methods. What about "Shadows"? For one, the "Shadows" modifier, which hides a base class's method, is not implemented in Beta 1. Also, the main purpose of "Shadows" is ensure clients' compatibility with a derived class if the base class one day introduces a new member that conflicts with a name in the derived class, and I vow to respect this design principle for the time being. But the true reason to use the Shadows modifier sparingly is the idea of polymorphism. If clients have code that calls a method of the base class, this should also work on a derived class. So Shadows should be used with great caution. If we can't shadow these methods, can we override them instead? Now, overriding cannot change the return type (or arguments' types) of a method, it can only provide a new implementation. Again, it's about protecting the interface. Concluding, derived classes need to provide a few methods of their own (but it's not much work).

The basics

I'll just show you the constructor and the Add method here:

Public MustInherit Class NList
		Implements IEnumerable

	Protected m_First As CLink
	Protected m_Last As CLink
	Protected m_LowerBound As Integer
	Protected m_RequireKeys As Boolean
	Protected Overloads Sub New(ByVal fRequireKeys As Boolean)
		m_RequireKeys = fRequireKeys
	End Sub
	Protected Overloads Sub New(ByVal fRequireKeys As Boolean, ParamArray ByVal values() As Object)
		m_RequireKeys = fRequireKeys
		Dim i As Integer
		If fRequireKeys = True Then
					For i = 0 To UBound(values) Step 2
							Me.BaseAdd(values(i), CType(values(i + 1), String))
					Next i				
					For i = 0 To UBound(values)
					Next i
		End If	
	End Sub

	Protected Overloads Sub BaseAdd(ByVal link As CLink)
		If m_RequireKeys = True And link.Key = "" Then
			Throw New ArgumentException("Must provide a key")
		End If
		If Not m_First Is Nothing And link.Key <> "" And m_First.ExistsKey(link.Key) Then 
			Throw New ArgumentException("Key already exists")
		End If
		If m_First Is Nothing Then
					m_First = link
					m_Last = m_First
					link.PrevLink = m_Last
					m_Last.NextLink = link
					m_Last = link	
		End If	
	End Sub
	Protected Overloads Function BaseAdd(ByVal value As Object) As CLink
		Dim knew As New CLink(value)
		Return knew
	End Function
	Protected Overloads Function BaseAdd(ByVal value As Object, ByVal sKey As String) As CLink
		Dim knew As New CLink(value, sKey)
		Return knew
	End Function

	' ...

End Class

Inheritors can provide their own ParamArray-initializer, and it's easy to pass the array on to the base (as explained in Changes). When an instance of a derived class is created, you need to say whether you want keys to be required. All methods that take input will then make sure that keys are indeed provided, and that they're unique.

Indexing the list

Since NList does not keep an index for the links, but rather calculates them when needed, you can change the lower bound willy-nilly. This disadvantage is that indexed look-up is slow (using the BaseItem method). However iteration with the enumerator (For-Each; Do-Loop) does not suffer from this. Here's everything about bounds & counts:

Public Property LowerBound As Integer 
		Return m_LowerBound
	End Get	
		m_LowerBound = value
	End Set	
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property UpperBound As Integer
		Return Me.Count + Me.LowerBound - 1
	End Get	
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer
		Dim e As New NListEnumerator(Me), c As Integer
		Do While e.MoveNext = True
			c += 1
		Return c
	End Get	
End Property

You can improve the speed of indexed loopup (using For-Next). Keep a field that remembers the last link returned, another one that holds the the difference between the last index requested and the lower bound at that time, and then, when the next index is requested, calculate the offset from the possibly changed lower bound against the next index requested, and substract both numbers, giving you an new offset by which you can iterate in the appropriate direction based on the last link returned. In any case, when iterating over the whole list, there is no advantage from using For-Next anyway. Just keep in mind that indices are calculated.

Other members

NList has a few other properties and methods that do most about everything you'll ever need. Some are public because the type of the elements isn't a concern while others are protected. Most of these members are overloaded. Check out the source in the zip file to find out more. Here's an overview:

Several of these members use the DCompare and DCheck delegates. These aren't strongly typed (using Objects), but in a derived class, you can use different delegates and method signatures in case of BaseInsertAt, BaseIndexOf, and BaseLastIndexOf. Maybe both Sort and Filter should be rewritten as well (making them protected, thus allowing derived classes to use other types), but you can do that yourself. Note, however, that using comparer delegates isn't the standard way of determining object value equality - rather, one would call the (often overridden) Equals method of the objects pointed to by CLink's Value property, or a the redefined Equals method of the links themselves (which might just forward the call to the value object). I'll look into that, so the whole comparer story might be rewritten.

The enumerator

What's more interesting is the enumerator. Originally, NList's enumerator getter function was a MustOverride, in order to make sure that inheritors implement their own enumerator (NListEnumerator's Current property returns CLink objects, not values). I decided to change this. Now, GetEnumerator returns an NListEnumerator object, so users of derived classes can iterate over the links (it's somewhat similiar to a DictionaryEnumerator in that a special intermediate complex type [CLink] is used). However, the method can be overridden, so derived classes can use a more appropriate enumerator (i.e., one that iterates over the values):

Public Overridable Function GetEnumerator() As Collections.IEnumerator Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
	Return New NListEnumerator(Me)
End Function

This is different from other collection classes (like those in System.Collections), which implement an enumerator for you in a not-overidable way (the downside to this is explained in Collections). NList uses NListEnumerator internally. Derived classes can use it, too (it's instantiatable), but you might prefer to derive your own enumerator class from it since its Current method, as mentioned, returns a "raw" CLink object, not the value.

By the way, NListEnumerator is not implemented as an inner class, because it would be shown as a type in a of derived classes, which is not desirable; derived class should have their own enumerator class. You might wonder why can't we make the enumerator protected and extend it to a protected class? But VB.NET does not allow us to do that - it's in the docs, doesn't seem to be a Beta issue. Plus, a protected enumerators aren't what we want; client must be able to use them.

Anyway, here's NListEnumerator:

Public Class NListEnumerator
		Implements IEnumerator, ICloneable
	Protected m_List As NList
	Protected m_Current As CLink
	Protected m_Started As Boolean 

	Public Sub New(ByVal list As NList)
		m_List = list
	End Sub	

	Public ReadOnly Overridable Property Current As Object Implements IEnumerator.Current 
			Return m_Current
		End Get	
	End Property

	Public Function MoveNext() As Boolean Implements IEnumerator.MoveNext
		If m_Started = False Then 
					m_Current = m_List.First 
					m_Started = True
					m_Current = m_Current.NextLink
		End If
		Return m_Current <> Nothing
	End Function

	Public Function MovePrevious() As Boolean
		If m_Started = False Then 
					m_Current = m_List.Last 
					m_Started = True 
					m_Current = m_Current.PrevLink
		End If
		Return m_Current <> Nothing
	End Function	

	Public Sub Reset() Implements IEnumerator.Reset
		m_Current = Nothing
		m_Started = False
	End Sub

	Public Overridable Function Clone() As Object Implements ICloneable.Clone
		Dim e As New NListEnumerator(m_List)
		e.m_Current = m_Current
		e.m_Started = m_Started
		Return e
	End Function	
End Class

Inheritors need to provide a constructor, override Current and Clone (possibly throwing a System.NotImplementedException) - that's it (see for an example of a derived enumerator below). If inheritors like, they can also iterate in extreme-raw mode using the protected First and Last properties of NList, both returning CLink objects.

Derived classes

Derived classes could implement ICollection, or perhaps even IList. NList doesn't do that because it's a design choice not to expose members like "Item" (type-safety). So you might want to do that, depending on you needs. You'll find some methods in the framework that take IList or ICollection as parameters; but you might as well get by with IEnumerable, which you get with NList (though you're not tight to its implementation). The examples below don't implement additional interfaces, but it's easy to do if need be. Implementing IList in particular has a downside, however: The interface specifies that return values and arguments of methods like Add or Remove be of type Object, which is at odds with the concept of a strongly typed collection.

So here are two examples of derived classes, NObjectList and NStringList. While the first one is very simple, the second one adds some stunning String stuff. The code might look a little verbose, but note that most it is optional.


Public Class NObjectList
		Inherits NList

	Public Overloads Sub New(ByVal fRequireKeys As Boolean)
	End Sub
	Public Overloads Sub New(ByVal fRequireKeys As Boolean, ParamArray ByVal values() As Object)
		MyBase.New(fRequireKeys, values)
	End Sub
	Public Overloads Sub Add(ByVal value As Object)
	End Sub
	Public Overloads Sub Add(ByVal value As Object, ByVal sKey As String)
		MyBase.BaseAdd(value, sKey)
	End Sub
	Public Sub AddList(ByVal lst As NObjectList)
		MyBase.BaseInsertListAt(lst, Me.UpperBound + 1)
	End Sub
	Public Overloads Sub InsertAt(ByVal value As Object, ByVal index As Integer)
		MyBase.BaseInsertAt(value, index)
	End Sub
	Public Overloads Sub InsertAt(ByVal value As Object, ByVal index As Integer, ByVal sKey As String)
		MyBase.BaseInsertAt(value, index, sKey)
	End Sub
	Public Overloads Sub InsertAt(ByVal value As Object, ByVal comparer As NList.DCompare)
		MyBase.BaseInsertAt(value, comparer)
	End Sub
	Public Overloads Sub InsertAt(ByVal value As Object, ByVal comparer As Nlist.DCompare, ByVal sKey As String)
		MyBase.BaseInsertAt(value, comparer, sKey)
	End Sub
	Public Sub InsertListAt(ByVal lst As NObjectList, ByVal index As Integer)
		MyBase.BaseInsertListAt(lst, index) 
	End Sub
	Public Function Contains(ByVal value As Object) As Boolean
		Return MyBase.BaseContains(value)
	End Function
	Public Function IndexOf(ByVal comparer As NList.DCompare, ByVal value As Object, ByVal nStart As Integer) As Integer
		Return MyBase.BaseIndexOf(comparer, value, nStart)
	End Function
	Public Function LastIndexOf(ByVal comparer As NList.DCompare, ByVal value As Object, ByVal nStart As Integer) As Integer
		Return MyBase.BaseLastIndexOf(comparer, value, nStart)
	End Function
	Public Function Copy(ByVal iFrom As Integer, ByVal iTo As Integer) As NObjectList
		Dim lst As New NObjectList(m_RequireKeys)
		MyBase.BaseCopy(iFrom, iTo, lst)
		Return lst
	End Function
	Public Function Cut(ByVal iFrom As Integer, ByVal iTo As Integer) As NObjectList
		Cut = Me.Copy(iFrom, iTo)
		MyBase.Remove(iFrom, iTo)
	End Function

	Public Default Overloads Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As Object
			Return MyBase.BaseItem(index).Value
		End Get	
			MyBase.BaseItem(index).Value = value
		End Set	
	End Property
	Public Default Overloads Property Item(ByVal sKey As String) As Object
			Return MyBase.BaseItem(sKey).Value
		End Get	
			MyBase.BaseItem(sKey).Value = value
		End Set	
	End Property
	Public Overrides Function GetEnumerator As IEnumerator
		Return New NObjectListEnumerator(Me)
	End Function

	Public Class NObjectListEnumerator
			Inherits NListEnumerator
		Public Sub New(ByVal lst As NObjectList)
		End Sub	
		Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Current() As System.Object
				Return m_Current.Value
			End Get
		End Property	
		Public Overrides Function Clone() As System.Object
			Dim e As New NObjectListEnumerator(CType(m_List, NObjectList))
			e.m_Current = m_Current
			e.m_Started = m_Started
			Return e
		End Function
	End Class

End Class


Here is NStringList, but I only show you some additional members:

Public Class NStringList
		Inherits NList

	Public Overloads Sub New(ByVal sFile As String)
	End Sub

	' ...

	Public Sub FromFile(ByVal sFile As String)
		Dim fil As File, sr As StreamReader, sLine As String
				fil = New File(sFile)
				sr = fil.OpenText
				sLine = sr.ReadLine 
				Do Until sLine Is Nothing
					sLine = sr.ReadLine
			Catch e As Exception
				Throw e
		End Try
	End Sub
	Public Sub ToFile(ByVal sFile As String)
		Dim sw As StreamWriter, enm As NStringListEnumerator
				sw = New StreamWriter(sFile) 
				enm = CType(Me.GetEnumerator, NStringListEnumerator)
				Do While enm.MoveNext = True
					sw.WriteLine(CType(enm.Current, String))
			Catch e As Exception
				Throw e
		End Try
	End Sub
	Public Sub FromString(ByVal s As String, ParamArray ByVal separators() As Char)
		Dim aStr() As String, i As Integer
		aStr = s.Split(separators)
		For i = 0 To UBound(aStr)
		Next i	
	End Sub
	Public Function ToStringEx(ByVal separator As Char) As String
		Dim aStr(Me.Count) As String, i As Integer
		For i = 0 To Me.Count - 1 
			If i > 0 Then aStr(i) = separator
			aStr(i) &= Me(i)
		Next i
		Return  New String(aStr)	
	End Function

End Class

Delegating to an NList inheritor?

This is not unheard of. Check out the CHistory class in the accompanying sample download. It works like the in my VB6Core component, but got a revamp. Maybe I'll chat about at some point, but not now.